From fundraising campaigns for the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union to support measures for the hospice in Karlsruhe – our social and cultural commitment is diverse and is intended to support numerous institutions. This commitment to environmental and nature conservation as well as social and cultural projects in our environment is a matter close to our hearts and a high priority.
Peaceful sleep is priceless.
billerbeck donations for those in need and refugees
In cooperation with charitable organisations, communities and towns in the region, we make generous monetary and in-kind donations of bedding to those for whom peaceful and restful sleep cannot be taken for granted.
For their tireless efforts in these difficult times, their support, organisation and logistics, we would like to thank in particular: Bruchsal (Caritas), City of Kraichtal for refugees, Integrations-Kulturzentrum e.V. Mettmann and the refugee shelter of the municipality of Zaberfeld.
In addition, we support the following organisations and associations: TAFEL in Germany and Austria, German Red Cross Kraichtal, Lebenshilfe Bruchsal-Bretten e. V., Ein Herz für Kinder”, Kinderhospizdienst, “blut.eV – Bürger für Leukämie- und Tumorerkrankungen”, Der bunte Kreis, Autismuszentrum Bruchsal, Kraichtal hilft e. V., Oase des Lebens e.V. and the campaign: Weihnachten im Schuhkarton.
Insect protection initiative
In 2019, billerbeck bought a meadow located in the immediate vicinity of the company premises. This land was put into the care of a leaseholder who manages it in accordance with strict ecological regulations, compliance with which is a top priority for us. Examples of this include minimal use of fertilisers and the fact that the plot is only mown twice a year with cutting tools, which is particularly important for insect populations and for protecting species.
Through this commitment, we want to make a sustainable contribution to nature conservation and, in particular, tackle the problematic decline in insect populations. It is particularly important to us that the meadow is taken care of correctly, or is even improved upon, so that more species can flourish in the animal and plant world.
Our commitment to environmental protection
To underline our local engagement and, above all, our commitment to nature conservation, we attach great importance to our partnership with the Kraichtal Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU). Regular donations are used in particular for the purchase of land that NABU Kraichtal manages in the interests of nature conservation.

Lebenshilfe Bruchsal-Bretten e.V.
Lebenshilfe Bruchsal-Bretten e. V. has been supporting us in the production of billerbeck bedding for more than 50 years. As well as making neck support pillows and refill bags, employees also sew pillow cases for billerbeck.
Lebenshilfe Bruchsal-Bretten e.V. is an association of and for people with intellectual or mental disabilities in the Bruchsal-Bretten district.
Donation for Asian Garden in Kraichtal
Kraichtal-Münzesheim is home to one of the largest Asian gardens in Germany and at the same time the most beautiful in Europe. The “Garden of Serene Silence” was conceived in 1985 by the Münzesheim Therapy Centre, by the then head physician and Asia fan Dr. Jürgen Schwarz, and brought to life together with activists and sponsors.
The vision was realised with a lot of passion and craftsmanship. Since then, the community project has served the clinic as therapeutic support for patients. With much attention to detail, the flowers and blossoms are regularly expanded and maintained by the master gardener, occupational therapists and patients.
In order to make up for the funding that has been discontinued in the meantime, a fascinating illustrated book of the Asian Garden is being developed by “Verlag Regionalkultur”, which is financed by donations. To ensure that the Asian Garden can continue to shine in Europe, that the clinic’s almost 40-year commitment pays off and that valuable support for the patients is secured, billerbeck is participating in the book project with a generous donation.